Services Offered

  • Injury Prevention Sessions

    Offered to dance teams and dance studios. Providing education on common dance injuries, healthy habits, and safe return to sport. Includes small presentation, dynamic warm-up, injury-prevention exercises and flexibility training techniques.

  • Individual Dancer Consultations

    Offering one-on-one physical therapy consultations and screening of underlying injuries as they relate to dance and return to sport. An individualized treatment plan will be created for each dancer. Open to traveling to dance team and dance studios throughout their season.

  • Individual Dancer Follow-Up Sessions

    Sessions include continued monitoring of injuries through therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education and manual therapy techniques. Each session will build on previously established treatment plans. Open to traveling to dance team and dance studios throughout their season.

Virtual Physical Therapy Evaluations

Contact Christine for availability.

Physical Therapy Screening

Ask Christine about physical therapy screening sessions for your dance team or dance studio. Offering 15-20 minute screening and evaluation of injuries, movement patterns and dance technique. Opportunity to learn ways to manage & prevent injuries and ask questions from an experienced dance clinician.

Where physical therapy and dance team meet.

Traveling to your dance studio or dance team to provide services. Prices may vary based on travel time.